The world's leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement

We provide high-quality data, analysis and expertise on internal displacement to inform policy and operational decisions that can improve the lives of internally displaced people (IDPs) worldwide and reduce the risk of future displacement.

The world's leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement

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Expert analysis

10 October 2024

7 years into the conflict, solutions to displacement in Cabo Delgado remain elusive

  • Tomás de Almeida

    Tomás de Almeida

Seven years into the conflict in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique’s northernmost province, internally displaced people, host communities and those who have returned home continue to struggle due to limited access to healthcare, livelihoods, and education.

Harnessing Development Financing for Solutions to Displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in Asia and the Pacific


Harnessing Development Financing for Solutions to Displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in Asia and the Pacific
Evidence from the past 15 years indicates that disasters trigger more displacements each year than do conflicts or violence, and that they affect many more countries across the globe. In 2023 alone, 26.4 million displacements as a result of disasters were recorded in 148 countries and territories around the world, compared to 20.5 million conflict- and violence-related displacements in 45 countries and territories. The effects of climate change are expected to increase the scale, duration, and severity of displacement in many parts of the world, making the issue ever more urgent to address. It underscores an imperative need to target development financing strategies that not only will address immediate displacement circumstances but also will integrate long-term resilience building into the core of development planning, as well as prevent such displacement from occurring in the first place.

Flood and Drought Displacement Risk in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan


Flood and Drought Displacement Risk in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan

This publication is a combination of two reports that describe new models for estimating potential disaster displacement risk. The first section introduces a novel flood displacement risk model, and the second a new model for drought displacement risk. Both were developed under the HABITABLE project in partnership with the International Center for Environmental Monitoring (CIMA Research Foundation) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for drought. The models focus in 3 countries in the Horn of Africa, specifically Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, where there has been significant flood and drought displacement.  

Sylvain Ponserre

Sylvain Ponserre

M23 conflict caused nearly 3 out of every 4 displacements in the DRC this year

Expert analysis

M23 conflict caused nearly 3 out of every 4 displacements in the DRC this year

In the first half of this year, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) experienced 2,741,000 internal displacements due to conflict and violence, the highest figure recorded for a six-month period since IDMC started its monitoring of the country in 2009. A new analysis of our data reveals that the conflict involving the March 23 non-state armed group caused more than 2 million, 73 per cent, of those displacements.

Damian Uebersax

Damian Uebersax

Canada’s Indigenous peoples increasingly at risk of disaster displacement

Expert analysis

Canada’s Indigenous peoples increasingly at risk of disaster displacement

Although Indigenous peoples only represent 5 per cent (1.8 million people) of Canada’s population, over 16 per cent of the people internally displaced in Canada in 2023 were Indigenous peoples living on reserves.

Elisa Binon

Elisa Binon

Global Report

Global Report


2024 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID)

The 2024 Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) report presents the data and analysis behind the 75.9 million people living in internal displacement as of the end of 2023. It is the ninth edition of the GRID and includes global and regional insights into the risk, scale and impacts of internal displacement.

Internal Displacement Data

IDMC monitors internal displacement triggered by conflict, violence, and disasters globally, compiling data through our network of partners and our own innovative tools. We validate the data before adding it to our Global Internal Displacement Database (GIDD) and country profiles.