The world's leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement
We provide high-quality data, analysis and expertise on internal displacement to inform policy and operational decisions that can improve the lives of internally displaced people (IDPs) worldwide and reduce the risk of future displacement.
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2024 Mid-year Update on Internal Displacement
The trends that led to record levels of internally displaced people (IDPs) at the end of 2023 continued into the first half of 2024, in some cases, already setting new records. In this Mid-year Update, we highlight ten of the most notable situations from the first six months of the year.
Global Report
Internal Displacement Data
IDMC monitors internal displacement triggered by conflict, violence, and disasters globally, compiling data through our network of partners and our own innovative tools. We validate the data before adding it to our Global Internal Displacement Database (GIDD) and country profiles.
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
IDPs by conflict and violence
IDPs by disasters
Internal displacements (movements)
Internal displacements by conflict and violence
Internal displacements by disasters
Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures.
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
IDPs by conflict and violence
IDPs by disasters
Internal displacements (movements)
Internal displacements by conflict and violence
Internal displacements by disasters
Sub-Saharan Africa, which hosts 46 per cent of the world’s IDPs, was again the region most affected by internal displacement in 2023. Conflict and disasters overlapped in many countries, forcing people to flee again and/or prolonging their displacement.
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
IDPs by conflict and violence
IDPs by disasters
Internal displacements (movements)
Internal displacements by conflict and violence
Internal displacements by disasters
The conflict in Palestine contributed to an eight-fold increase in conflict displacements in the Middle East and North Africa in 2023 after three years of consecutive decreases. Disaster displacement figures were also the highest ever reported for the region, largely the result of earthquakes and floods.
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
IDPs by conflict and violence
IDPs by disasters
Internal displacements (movements)
Internal displacements by conflict and violence
Internal displacements by disasters
East Asia and the Pacific recorded the highest number of disaster displacements globally, although the figure was the lowest since 2017. Conflict displacement there increased for the third year running, mostly the result of the situation in Myanmar.
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
IDPs by conflict and violence
IDPs by disasters
Internal displacements (movements)
Internal displacements by conflict and violence
Internal displacements by disasters
Conflict and disasters triggered 47 per cent fewer displacements than the average of the past decade in South Asia, although disasters still uprooted millions of people from their homes.
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
IDPs by conflict and violence
IDPs by disasters
Internal displacements (movements)
Internal displacements by conflict and violence
Internal displacements by disasters
Severe storms in the Americas triggered fewer than half the displacements recorded in 2022 and fewer than a quarter of the annual average since 2015. Conflict and violence triggered the largest number of movements in the region since records began in 2009, with Colombia and Haiti accounting for 85 per cent of the total.
Internally displaced people (IDPs)
IDPs by conflict and violence
IDPs by disasters
Internal displacements (movements)
Internal displacements by conflict and violence
Internal displacements by disasters
Europe and Central Asia recorded by far its highest number of disaster displacements in 2023. The earthquakes in Türkiye accounted for most of them, but wildfire, storm and flood displacements also increased around the Mediterranean basin. Almost all of the conflict displacements recorded in the region were associated with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.