
29 October 2018


Chambéry, France

2018 GeOnG - The Humanitarian Data Forum

Organized by CartONG every two years since 2008, the GeOnG forum gathers humanitarian actors and professionals specialised in information management. The GeOnG is dedicated to addressing issues related to data in the humanitarian and development sectors, including topics related to mapping, GIS, data collection and information management. To this end, the forum is designed to allow participants to debate current and future stakes, introduce relevant and innovative solutions and share experience and best practices.

This year, IDMC will present a workshop on "Combining internal displacement data from the field with big data using IDMC tools". The goal of the workshop is to show the participants how to interpret, access and display data collected by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. Participants will learn about the methodology used to compile data on internal displacement at a global scale. IDMC will also present some tools developed with this purpose, such as the global displacement monitoring platform which mines media articles from local and international media using Natural Language Processing to extract displacement information. The platform, the NLP algorithm and its output (API) will also be presented.

The 6th edition of the forum will take place from October 29th to October 31th at the Congress Centre Le Manège in Chambéry, France.

Please find the agenda here

For more information or how to register to the GeOnG, click here.