
04 November 2019

GEO Ministerial Summit

4 - 9 November, Canberra, Australia


Ministers from GEO’s 105 Member governments, business leaders, heads of international non-profits and passionate experts will meet in Canberra for the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Week 2019 and the GEO Ministerial Summit.

The week’s events will ensure that data about our planet becomes a core input to strategic decision making and key to day-to-day economic, environmental and development decisions. Participants will explore how the integration of Earth observation data into our digital economies is key to driving progress on the big three global policy frameworks: the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

IDMC's head of data and analysis, Justin Ginnetti, will join a side-event on Monday 4 November entitled EO for Disaster Risk Reduction. Justin will join representatives from NASA, IFRC, IOM and others to discuss how Earth observations provide innovative approaches for visualising and managing systemic disaster risk, directly enhancing decision making from national to local levels. 

Find out more about GEO, the programme and speakers here. Watch the live-stream below.