
05 November 2019

Human Rights & Climate Change Dialogues

Roundtable on Human Mobility
5 November 2019, Palais des Nations, Geneva Room I, 13:00 - 16:15 

This expert roundtable seeks to provide an opportunity to review recent developments in the area of climate change, human rights and human mobility, the current role of key institutions and processes, as well as their role moving forward. Head of policy and research, Bina Desai, will participate on behalf of IDMC. 

● Foster a conversation about the role of key policy processes and address the interplay between human rights in the context of climate change and human mobility.
● Discuss the remaining protection gaps in these areas and the role of key intergovernmental processes and actors to address such gaps.


Public briefing: Human Rights, Climate Change, Land and Human Mobility under the Paris Agreement
Palais des Nations, Meeting Room XXI
16:30 - 18:00

This event will reflect on the importance of addressing human rights in climate action, including through the implementation of the Paris Agreement. It will illustrate the importance of a rights-based approach to climate change and climate action, with a focus on two specific themes: land and human mobility.

● To consider protection gaps and opportunities to strengthen the protection of human rights in the context of climate change in the context of land and human mobility.
● To reflect on the importance of rights-based approaches to climate change, particularly in relation to land-related issues and human mobility under the Paris Agreement.