
01 October 2020


Geneva, Switzerland

Internal Displacement Conference

In light of the ongoing situation with the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we have unfortunately cancelled our third annual conference originally scheduled to take place in Geneva on Thursday 1st October.

As you know, the theme of this year’s conference was aimed at addressing “Displacement in a Changing Climate”. Our decision to cancel this important event was not made lightly, but we look forward to maintaining the momentum on this theme over the coming months.

We will do this through the organisation of a series of exciting online events and debates on this topic. Stay tuned for more information on this.

We would also like to thank the overwhelming number of contributing authors that have submitted applications to speak at this year’s conference.

The variety of your submissions is yet another testimony of the wealth of knowledge that can be brought together to find solutions to climate-related displacement. We will be in touch with you in the coming weeks to discuss opportunities to showcase the important work you are doing.