
29 October 2019


Bonn, Germany

Linking policies and people: new insights on migration and development

30 - 31 October 2019, Bonn, Germany

Policy makers and academic researchers will meet at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn to discuss cutting-edge research and its implications for policy making at the third international research and policy conference 'Linking policies and people: new insights on migration and development'. The event will be an opportunity for participants to exchange on which policy issues require new research and how current research can support future policy making.

This conference is devoted to understanding why people decide to move from their homes (with a particular focus on South-South migration), what effects migration has on the socio-economic development of low- and middle-income countries and how migration is governed in a multi-level policy environment.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Migration and development;
  • Dynamics of international migration governance and the role of regions;
  • National migration policies;
  • Multidimensional drivers of migration;
  • Conflict and displacement;
  • Socio-economic impact on host countries;
  • Cities and migration;
  • Methodological innovations and new data

IDMC's head of data and analysis, Justin Ginnetti, will join a panel on 31 October entitled 'The status-quo and the potential of (forced) migration data'. He will be joined by IOM and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission to discuss displacement data. 

Find the agenda here