11 April 2019
-The Hague
Workshop on Predictive Analytics in Humanitarian Response
On 11 and 12 April, Justin Ginnetti, head of IDMC's data & analysis department, and Leonardo Milano, IDMC's senior data scientist, will be in The Hague to join a workshop on predictive analytics in humanitarian response.
The event, organised by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Centre for Humanitarian Data, will bring together technical experts and programme managers from UN agencies, international organisations and the academic world to:
- Exchange information about predictive analytics initiatives in the humanitarian sector, including but not limited to models for famine, migration, climate risk, humanitarian financing, and other topics;
- Identify gaps, opportunities and challenges related to the application of predictive models in humanitarian crises;
- Consider legal and ethical issues associated with the collection and use of humanitarian data for predictive analytics purposes;
- Explore how predictive models might be integrated into existing humanitarian decision-making processes; and
- Explore collaboration models and areas where the Centre can help in terms of services like data curation, peer review and model hosting.