Conflict and violence

Every year, millions of people are forced to flee their home by relentless bombardments, the threat of armed attacks, or harassment by criminal gangs. In this section, we dig deeper into the drivers, triggers, patterns and impacts of internal displacement associated with conflict and violence.
A record 68.3 million people (IDPs) were living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and violence as of 31 December 2023. Conflict and violence triggered 20.5 million new internal displacements, or movements, across 45 countries and territories during 2023. Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Palestine accounted for nearly two-thirds of the total.
Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East and North Africa consistently record the highest numbers of internal displacements.
Beyond the numbers, our research seeks to paint a fuller picture of the severity of internal displacement linked to conflict and violence. Understanding how factors such as access to livelihoods, housing, and services can influence the severity of internal displacement is key to a more holistic response.
While a majority of new displacements are caused by armed conflict, others have been forced to flee their homes by criminal violence, communal violence, or political violence. Organised criminal violence associated with drug trafficking and gang activity has driven high levels of displacement in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. To raise awareness of the issue at the highest levels and promote support for those affected, we have been seeking to fill data gaps in the Northern Triangle of Central America.
Protractedness is an unfortunate feature of displacement associated with conflict and violence. Despite a peace agreement, Colombia remains home to 5.2 million internally displaced people. Our research aims to support decision-making and informed investments to achieve durable solutions for those displaced.