Partner Spotlight: Enhancing prevention, risk reduction, and response to disaster and climate-related displacement worldwide
As extreme weather events become more common in a changing climate, ever more people are at risk of displacement each year. This displacement disrupts livelihoods, erodes social structures, and negatively impacts the well-being of individuals and communities, often leading to long-term consequences. Preparing an inclusive and sustainable future must therefore take global climate and disaster displacement risk into account.
Together with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), IDMC is implementing an ambitious multi-year project to enhance prevention, risk reduction and response to disaster and climate-related displacement worldwide. The project’s primary aim is to strengthen the capacity of governments and regional organizations to monitor and report on disaster-induced displacement, while integrating these efforts into broader disaster risk reduction strategies.

By 2027, IDMC is seeking to deliver the following key objectives and activities both globally and in target countries and regions:
Enhance understanding of the drivers, patterns and impacts of displacement related to disasters and climate change.
- Generate and analyse data on disaster displacement trends and patterns for governments, humanitarian actors and development agencies.
- Create country-specific profiles with detailed information on potential hazards and associated displacement risks.
- Uncover the social and economic costs of disaster displacement on livelihoods, education, security, health and housing.
- Improve understanding of the specific challenges, needs and vulnerabilities affecting displaced communities through IDMC’s displacement severity assessments.
- Collect, review and share successful initiatives and good practices globally for addressing disaster displacement.
Strengthen the capacity of national governments and regional organisations to monitor, report, prevent, and respond to disaster displacement more effectively.
- Provide training and tools to support targeted governments in improving national systems for collecting and using disaster displacement data.
- Support governments in integrating displacement issues into broader disaster risk reduction strategies and national policies and development plans.
- Convene regional and global events to foster collaboration between states and encourage the sharing of lessons learned.
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