14 October 2024
Harnessing Development Financing for Solutions to Displacement in the context of disasters and climate change in Asia and the Pacific
The effects of climate change are expected to increase the scale, duration, and severity of displacement in many parts of the world, making the issue ever more urgent to address. It underscores an imperative need to target development financing strategies that not only will address immediate displacement circumstances but also will integrate long-term resilience building into the core of development planning, as well as prevent such displacement from occurring in the first place.

This report explores how multilateral development banks (MDBs) can play a greater role in advancing government-owned solutions through a range of targeted and integrated investments, as well as technical assistance in the policymaking process in terms of disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation. To fulfill this role, MDBs require relevant data, substantiating evidence, and contextual awareness. This report identifies a significant number of opportunities to meet these requirements and the best practices to support them.