01 February 2014
Regional training on the Kampala Convention
6th December 2013 was the first anniversary of the entry into force of the African Union (AU) Convention on the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention). In partnership with the UNHCR, IDMC organised two regional training workshops (in English and French) on the Kampala Convention for representatives of Governments and civil society of 13 West African countries.
The aim of the workshops was to help participants to familiarise with the content of the Kampala Convention, with a focus on sharing experiences and good practices on internal displacement response. With this respect, officials from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya also joined to share information on their respective internal displacement laws, policies and experiences. The workshops concluded with the development of a strategy for each country towards ratification and/or domestication and implementation of the Kampala Convention.
A final communiqué on the outcomes of the workshops was drafted by the participants and presented at the Kampala Convention anniversary event also organised by IDMC in Dakar on 6 December.