07 March 2019
"Stuck in the middle" - Seeking durable solutions in post-peace agreement Colombia

In the 2017 Global Report on Internal Displacement, the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) set out to better understand the relationship between internal displacement and cross-border movements. As part of the resulting Invisible Majority thematic series, this report, based on over two hundred interviews with displaced Colombians, examines drivers of displacement and onward movement of internally displaced people (IDPs) within and across borders, provides better understanding of priorities and preconditions for voluntary return, and examine obstacles to durable solutions for returning refugees and IDPs in Colombia. While the report does not set out to assess the successes and failures of the 2016 Peace Agreement, it nonetheless brings to light a number of challenges to its implementation.
Download in Spanish; the executive summary (PDF, 0.2MB) and the full report (PDF, 1.8MB).