08 December 2015
Understanding the root causes of displacement: towards a comprehensive approach to prevention and solutions

The purpose of this paper is to help re-think displacement in the context of today’s crises. Sustainably addressing displacement requires the work of political actors, development experts, human rights advocates, data specialists and many other stakeholders. These actors will need to:
- Agree on a clear and common terminology to discuss root causes of displacement
- Acknowledge that any response to displacement must be informed by a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of its drivers and their linkages
- Support IDMC’s calls for more accurate and comprehensive data across all phases of displacement and across all situations
- Commit to finding political solutions to displacement crises
- Capitalise on the opportunities offered by current global policy processes
Their policies and actions should ensure IDPs are not left behind and the underlying drivers are addressed sustainably. Failing to do so will exacerbate underlying drivers and lead to additional, repeated and cross-border displacement.