No country is immune to disaster displacement, and without action, climate change will force even more people to flee. From 11 to 22 November 2024, Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Baku. At this COP, we will again bring our expertise in disaster displacement to the discussions. Check this page frequently during COP for our policy recommendations, key messages and latest reports as well as side events and other resources for those in Baku.

IDMC key messages

IDMC key messages

Without action, climate change will force even more people to flee

Every year, weather-related disasters force millions of people to flee their homes, and climate change is making these events more frequent and more intense. Our key messages explain the links between climate and displacement and the actions needed at this COP. 

IDMC policy brief for COP29

IDMC policy brief for COP29
Policy brief

30 Oct 2024

Loss and damage governance must account for displacement

Displacement is one of the most significant forms of loss and damage associated with climate change and disasters. Our policy brief outlines key insights for decision-makers at COP to improve policies for displaced communities.  

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Recent, relevant IDMC reports

What does actionable displacement data look like?

Expert analysis

What does actionable displacement data look like?

As the region most affected by disaster displacement, countries in Asia and the Pacific have been using data to inform and improve actions and policies before, during, and after disasters. Examples from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam demonstrate what actionable displacement data looks like. 

Thannaletchimy Housset

Thannaletchimy Housset

Canada’s Indigenous peoples increasingly at risk of disaster displacement

Expert analysis

Canada’s Indigenous peoples increasingly at risk of disaster displacement

Although Indigenous peoples only represent 5 per cent (1.8 million people) of Canada’s population, over 16 per cent of the people internally displaced in Canada in 2023 were Indigenous peoples living on reserves.

Elisa Binon

Elisa Binon

Seizing the opportunity to address disaster displacement in the Loss & Damage discussions

Expert analysis

Seizing the opportunity to address disaster displacement in the Loss & Damage discussions

The Sixth Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed that “climate and weather extremes are increasingly driving displacement in all regions”, with most occurring within borders.

Alice Baillat

Alice Baillat

Partner key messages

Read key messages for COP29 from networks IDMC collaborates with on displacement linked to climate change.

Pointers and key messages on human mobility for COP29 negotiations - The Advisory Group on Climate Change and Human Mobility; The Climate, Migration and Displacement Platform and The Loss and Damage and the Challenges of Human Mobility and Displacement Working Group

Key messages for COP29 – Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD)

IOM Messages to the 29th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties, COP29 - International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Key messages on Loss and Damage at COP29 - The Loss and Damage Collaboration

External reports

Explore our contributions to recent collaborative reports and academic journals. 

Addressing disaster-related internal displacement through participatory initiatives - International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

No escape: On the frontlines of climate change, conflict and forced displacement - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Side-events at COP29